Test Items & Methods
I. Test Items
- Height and Weight
- Vital Capacity
- Sit-and-Reach
- Standing Long Jump
- 50-Meter Run
- 1,000-Meter Run
- Pull-Ups
- Height and Weight
- Vital Capacity
- Sit-and-Reach
- Standing Long Jump
- 50-Meter Run
- 800-Meter Run
- 1-Minute Sit-Ups
II. Test Methods
a) Height and Weight (test once)
Remove your shoes and stand with feet together, arms at your sides, and heels, buttocks, and upper back touching the measuring stick. Keep your torso upright, head level, and eyes looking forward. Align the upper edge of your tragus with the lower rim of your eye socket. Ensure arms hang naturally, legs are straight, heels are together, and toes point outward at a 60-degree angle. Avoid tilting your head back.
b) Vital Capacity (test twice, best result recorded)
Hold the disposable mouthpiece and face the monitor. Take a deep breath, seal your lips tightly around the mouthpiece, and exhale forcefully and completely in one breath. Continue exhaling until no more air can be expelled without pausing midway.
c) Sit-and-Reach (test twice, best result recorded)
Sit with your legs extended straight and flat on the floor. Place your palms facing down and fingers together. Keep your knees straight and use your middle fingers to push the testing baffle steadily as far as possible. Avoid bending your knees or making jerky movements.
d) Standing Long Jump (test twice, best result recorded)
Stand behind the starting line with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump forward using both feet to take off and land. Exit the testing area by stepping forward, not backward. Do not shuffle, run-up, or step over the starting line during preparation.
e) 50-Meter Run (test once)
Wear regular sneakers; leather shoes, sandals, or bare feet are not allowed. Begin standing behind the starting line. Run immediately upon hearing the starting signal and cross the finish line to trigger the sensor bar.
f) 800-Meter Run / 1,000-Meter Run (test once)
Wear regular sneakers (no spikes, leather shoes, sandals, or bare feet). Avoid excessive water intake before the test. Wear your assigned number bib and start only after the gunshot signal. Upon finishing, do not sit or lie down immediately.
g) Pull-Ups (test once)
Face the bar, jump up, and grip it with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width using an overhand grip. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, then lower yourself back to the starting position under control. Avoid swinging or additional movements. If you pause for more than 10 seconds, the test will end.
h) 1-Minute Sit-Ups (test once)
Lie on a mat with knees bent at a 90-degree angle and hook your feet under the equipment. Place your hands lightly behind your ears or head. On the command to start, sit up and touch your knees with your elbows, then return to the supine position with shoulders touching the mat. Perform as many sit-ups as possible within one minute.